cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy for ZONE 20 EMS FITNESS:

This Cancellation Policy (“Policy”) outlines the terms and conditions governing membership cancellation at ZONE 20 EMS FITNESS (“ZONE 20 EMS,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our”). By availing of our membership services, you (“Member,” “You,” or “Your”) acknowledge and agree to adhere to this Policy.

Initiating Cancellation:

To initiate the cancellation procedure, it is incumbent upon the Member to visit the ZONE 20 EMS facility in person and furnish the stipulated documents as outlined below to substantiate the cancellation request. This Policy pertains exclusively to Flexible Membership packages or instances where the Member possesses valid evidence substantiating the cancellation of a Fixed Term membership (e.g., a redundancy letter or a new tenancy agreement outside of Dubai).

Required Supporting Evidence:

Cancellation requests necessitate the submission of verifiable supporting evidence. The omission of legitimate documentation will culminate in the immediate declination of the Member’s cancellation application.

Acceptable Supporting Evidence:

  1. Relocation: In cases of relocation outside Dubai, the Member must provide a new tenancy agreement to authenticate the claim.
  2. Medical Reasons: In instances of medical grounds, the Member must submit a physician’s letter, dated within the last 30 days, attesting to the inability to partake in physical activity or a Maternity Certificate, as may be applicable.
  3. Redundancy: In scenarios of redundancy, the Member is required to supply documented evidence from the employer, duly stamped by the respective company, confirming the redundancy.

Flexible Agreements:

Members under Flexible agreements possess the privilege to execute cancellation sans the compulsion of supplying supporting evidence, subject to the prescribed notice period delineated herein.

Cancellation and Refunds:

  1. Grace Period for Online Members: For Members who enrolled online (without physical presence at the gym premises), a grace period of 14 full days from the date of joining (or 14 days from the gym’s opening during pre-opening sales phases) is extended to exercise the right to cancel.
  2. Refund Policy: In the event of the exercise of this right to cancel, ZONE 20 EMS undertakes to effectuate a refund of all membership fee payments received from the Member.
  3. Pro-Rated Refund: Members who have availed of gym facilities before lodging the cancellation request shall be entitled to a prorated membership fee refund, calculated in proportion to the interval between the joining date and the date of cancellation.

Cancellation Within Contract / Fixed Term Period:

Under circumstances where the Member remains ensconced within the confines of a stipulated minimum number of Monthly Recurring Payments, also referred to as a Fixed Term membership (e.g., 12 months), cancellation is permissible contingent upon the submission of credible evidence substantiating one of the following grounds:
  1. Relocation: Where the Member’s new permanent address resides outside Dubai, furnishing verifiable evidence thereof is imperative.
  2. Long-term Illness or Injury: In situations of illness, injury, or medical incapacitation preventing physical exercise for a duration exceeding 3 months, validation via a written medical opinion from a duly qualified medical practitioner is indispensable, dated within 30 days of the cancellation solicitation.
  3. Pregnancy: In cases of pregnancy, the Member is mandated to present a valid written proof thereof to validate the cancellation request.
It is paramount to acknowledge that any cancellation premised on the aforementioned reasons shall be consummated solely upon ZONE 20 EMS’s receipt of credible evidence and the subsequent issuance of a written confirmation.

All Cancellation Notice Periods:

Unilateral termination of membership, irrespective of contractual typology or prevailing circumstances, necessitates compliance with a notice period spanning a minimum of 30 days. If a Member remains encompassed within a prescribed minimum commitment period, an additional recurring payment may be deducted within the stipulated 30-day notice duration.
This Policy serves to delineate ZONE 20 EMS FITNESS’s approach to membership cancellation. Should you seek elucidation or guidance pertaining to the cancellation process, we encourage you to engage with a designated representative of ZONE 20 EMS.